
 - Timur Iron, as it was called contemporaries. The last of the great conquerors of the world. The legendary commander of the Middle Ages, according to legend, was born with dried blood in his hands. Creator grandiose empire. The military commander and strategist, not the victim is not a single defeat. He was cruel and ruthless - but it flourished under his rule of science and art of Central Asia ... Tamerlane was a prominent Central Asian statesman and military leader. He was born in 1336 and came from a Mongolian tribe tyurkizirovannogo Barlas. The name Tamerlane is linked flowering of the famous city of Samarkand, completely destroyed by wild hordes of Genghis Khan.Starting with the raids, in 1370 Tamerlane became sovereign Emir (ruler) in areas located along rivers Zeravshan and Kashkadarya. Soon he joined his ownership of land between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya - Fergana and Sass (Valley Chirchik).One of the ancient state of Khorezm - also became part of the state of Tamerlane. The Emir made trips to the Mongol-Tatar Golden Horde, Iran, Asia Minor and India. Hiking pursued predatory aims and differed incredible cruelty.Gradually formed a powerful empire of Tamerlane. In the early XV century, it stretched from Armenia to the west to India in the east from the Caucasus and the Aral Sea in the north to the Persian Gulf to the south. Its capital was Samarkand.After defeating the Golden Horde, Tamerlane had ensured that the main caravan route to Europe now runs not through the Horde, and in Samarkand. This contributed to the development of the state and its capital.Thanks to the care of the Emir of Samarkand was decorated with magnificent buildings in the city lived and created many great scholars and poets.Glory of Tamerlane spread far beyond its empire. Even the king of Spain sent their ambassadors to the court of the Emir.
Empire of Tamerlane
Program: A fascinating cultural and educational tour will introduce you to ancient history and culture of Uzbekistan, the world-famous ancient monuments of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. These cities still bear the memory of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, numerous trade caravans of the Silk Road. Here pulsating cultural life of the heart of a powerful empire of Tamerlane. Tall and elegant minarets, grandiose mosques and madrassas, medieval palaces and mausoleums decorated with gorgeous ceramic ornaments, vanity and unique flavor oriental bazaars, fairy legends, warm hospitality and ancient traditions of the local population will leave an indelible impression in your memory.

First Day
Land of the great sages "Bukhara - i - Sharif" - Noble Bukhara

07:30 Departure from Tashkent to Bukhara (1335 HY)
08:35 Arrival in Bukhara
09:00 City tour Bukhara (half)

• Ark (fortress of the Emir of Bukhara)
• The Kalyan Minaret ( The minaret was designated to summon Muslims to prayer five times a day. )
• The Samanids Mausoleum (Сrypt of the family, the founder of a powerful state in Central Asia Ismail Samani.)

13:00 Lunch
14:00 Continuation of excursion:

• Chashma-i Ayub Mousoleum (statue of the prophet Ayub who at one blow with his staff on the ground has opened a healing source of water)
• Sitora-i Mohi Khosa (Summer chateau Sitorai Mohi Khosa (Castle, like the stars and the moon). Museum of folk art.)
• Baha - ud - din Naqshband Complex

18:00 Dinner in the local restaurant
19:00 Departure to Samarqand.
23:00 Arrival in Samarqand. Accommodation in hotel «Panorama Grand»

Second day
Heart of the empire of Tamerlane - "Samarkand"  

08:00 Breakfast at the hotel.
09:00 Departure:
Gur-Emir (15vek)
Ensemble of Registan (15-17 century):
2. Madrasah Ulugbeg
3. Madrasah Tillya-Kori
4. Sher-Dor1 Madrasah.

13:00 Lunch.
14:00 Continuation of excursion:
• Bibi Khanum Mosque (15 century)
• The Observatory and memoreal museum of Ulugbek (15ctr)

• Necropolis Shah-i-Zinda (14-15 century)
                                        • Visiting Siab Bazaar (optional)

Siab Bazar
17:30 Departure from Samarqand to Tashkent.
19:30 Arrival in Tashkent. End of tour.

Types of buses for city tours.

Toutoperator: Aziza Xaitova 
E-mail: xploreuz@yahoo.com