King David

"A small village located in the Aksai forty miles south of Samarkand, at the turn of the roads in Karshi. In the middle of the open steppe suddenly rises a monumental arch with an inscription in Arabic script, pointing in the right direction to modern pilgrims to the cave of St. David's, which is at the top of the mountain plateau ... In the vicinity of Samarkand, many believe the legend that the biblical King David, after years of glorious reign over Israel, has received instructions from God to journey to the East, preach among the Gentiles the faith in God. According to legend, Hazrat Dawood, as Muslims call David , was the first who adopted monotheism in Samarkand, which aroused the wrath of local fire-worshipers who want to kill him. David had to flee to the mountains, where, fleeing from pursuing his soldiers, he spread out his hands and disappeared into the rock in a deep cave. Over the magical gift of melting metal and stones in their hands among the craftsmen of Samarkand and Bukhara Hazrat Dawood is the patron saint of blacksmiths. A cave which tradition associates with his name still attracts hundreds of pilgrims performing the difficult ascent to the summit of the mountain plateau.

David's caves
David's Mount

A legendary cave Hazrat-Daud is one of the most popular places of interest in Samarkand region. A legend tells that bible Tsar David (Daud) escaped from his enemies through this cave, moving apart the rocks with his hands.

Hazrat-Daud patronizes smiths (according to the legend he shaped the iron with bare hands). Thousands of pilgrims come here to touch the hand prints of Hodja-Daud on the walls of the cave, asking for health and wishes to come true.

The cave is situated in the Mirankul Mountains in 40 km from Samarkand. In the beginning of the mountain area, in a large garden are many places where thousands of pilgrims prepare some food and do sacrifice rituals.

To the top of a mountain you can climb on donkey or horse-back, but most of pilgrims make the long way of 2000 steps on foot. There is a small Muslim house on the top of the mountain, where mullah prays. There are 200 steps more from the Muslim house leading you to the cave. The cave has narrow corridor with width from 0.5 to 4 meters and length of 30 meters. It’s height is 15 meters.

The cave and all complex Hazrat-Daud is a very interesting for tourists, it is an exotic place.

The peak of the mountain is often visited by paraplaners from Samarkand. It’s always windy here and rising air flows are very good for flights.